4/3/2017 Stags
The forecast didn't look flyable so it was a pleasant surprise to actually wake to the first decent looking morning for ..... months!
Increasing wind and maybe late afternoon rain was in the offing so took an early start to Stags. Dennis took up the offer and arrived about 30 minutes after me. We had the hill to ourselves. From the off it was light, but very soarable and over the next couple of hours we enjoyed improving conditions as the sun came out and some spring thermals appeared. We eventually landed thinking the increasing wind had arrived but it stayed light and OK ........... except the wind quickly swung too far south about 1pm and that was it. Pity .......... the sky started to look really very good at this point.
A pleasant few hours to blow off the cobwebs, try the Peak 4 and enjoy the almost warm sunshine.
6/3/2017 Barbon (Johnny Barnes)
After an early visit to Wether (strong, cold and blustery) Geoff C and I went back via Barbon to find people flying, warm sunshine and a light breeze. What a difference 10 miles can make.
We enjoyed about an hour or so of flying and landed ..... horrible behind the trees at the bottom! Mike had arrived and was ironing the creases out of his new Zeno so after collecting Geoff I walked back up with Mike (photo above) and we had a 30 minute mostly into wind flight. It was fairly breezy by this time. Geoff collected us and we went to the Mousehole cafe. As we left about 4pm it seemed the nicer part of the day with lighter winds, blue skies and a few more were back in the air.
7/3/2017 Far Whitestones
Third flying day out of four -- who would have thought. Although not quite as good as forecast it provided lots of good soaring for the half dozen able to get out.
Geoff and Mike gave their respective new Peak 4 and Zeno a good try-out. Geoff especially proved what it could do as he was the only one to get round the Howgill triangle without a touch-down. We pushed out front trying to get round towards Winder; once round the very south ish wind made life very hard (on a WNW face) until in the big bowls (SSW) leading up towards the summits again. The shortcut was a bit rotory on the way back ..... no fun for a few minutes!! Geoff bagged the Winder trig point.
Roll on more flying days ..... but with a higher base and some thermals.
26/3/2017 Coniston Old Man (CoM)
A lot of driving eventually led Harvey and I to CoM. Stunning day again during this good spell but winds not easy to assess in terms of strength.
We took off on the side of the quarry, so a fairly easy 30 min walk up. Conditions were OK ..... plenty of lift around, but with height the wind strengthened and made getting anywhere awkward. Odd rough-edged thermals being blown around by the wind, so not especially pleasant at times ..... but neither too desperate either. Stuck it for an hour then landed.
Harvey went down to the school field and later met up with Baz and I over an excellent pint in the Yewdale.
27/3/2017 Semer Water
I wasn't going to bother, the winds looked too fresh. However, others were out and doing OK judging by messages and L24. Eventually wandered over to Semer about mid afternoon to see three gliders airborne. A little off to the east and fairly light surprisingly .... almost too light. Enjoyed a pleasant hour until the wind pulled off to the east and then died away
30/3/2017 Bassano
An short evening flight on the day of arrival. Short .... but enough to discover the joys of a small, steep overcrowded launch in the trees.
31/3/2017 Bassano
The joys of midday Spring flying.
Enjoyed some pleasant flying along the ridge with the odd bit of getting kicked around in strong cores. Finally, after 2pm, it eased a bit and out front was the more normal weak thermals. About 4hrs airtime.