A Hike and Fly Challenge


                     6 - 8th September 2024   


              Skywings (2023) on line - article LINK








                  2024 in progress - entries are now OPEN


(Important!  If you have entered the X Dales  via Eventbrite, you should have received an email with Entry Form and Risk Assessment sheets attached shortly afterwards. It appears a few may have gone into spam boxes or been  missed. If you can't locate this email please let me know at

xcflight (at gmail.com.)


Update: 2/7/2024  mailing out to all signed up competitors - contact me asap if you not received. Check your spam boxes first. Sensitive mail systems may mistake the X for sex!


     Event booking/X Dales entry and further information can be found via the link below


The details for X Dales Challenge 2024 is nearly finalised. 

(A one day event, the 6th or 7th Sept selected according to weather)

X Dales 2024 telegram invite link




This year it's  based on the famous and very scenic, Settle to Carlisle railway. There are six stations as it passes through the Dales area - five of these will be used as start points; the  choice being left to competitors.  The map below shows the location of each station and the waypoint cylinders. Again, for speedy results, a scorecard system will be used, later verified by tracklogs.  Scorecards will be provided at registration but can be downloaded below to assist planning and also show the cylinder sizes (95% of which are 400m). The reverse of the scorecard also provides an outline of the Challenge and the Rules.


ENTRY LIST - to follow

Photo:  For better clarity just download a kml file into a GE viewer


Note on the waypoint files below.  wpt. and .cup will open in gpsdump .... gpx won't. Just stick into gpsdump and view / save to whatever format you wish from the extensive options. Clicking on then (with the exception of kml) gives you a text read out ... so insert into gpsdump for the file format you want.


GPSdump     (version  5.46)

kml set
X Dales 2024.kml
Google Earth placemark [9.5 KB]
wpt set
X Dales 2024.txt
Text document [6.0 KB]
X Dales 24.gpx
GPS eXchange file [9.3 KB]
cup set
X Dales 24.txt
Text document [2.3 KB]
An xctrack task file. It's a full task file (not a waypoints file) but still very useable. Or build your own from a gpx file using xcmap in 'My Files'.
Text document [6.2 KB]

A5 Scorecard details below. Incudes Rules, waypoint details etc

Pilot scorecard front.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [715.9 KB]
Minor change made 11/7/24
X Dales 2024 scorecard.docx
Microsoft Word document [38.9 KB]
Verified results 2023
Final Result C check.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [599.8 KB]

Clicking on the task link below allows access to the various tracklogs. Look under 'Results'.

Above: L to R    James Whitmore (3rd), Tom Hodgkin (1st), Jacob Aubrey (2nd)

The X Dales is an integral flying element of the DHPC  (Dales) end of summer social. To find out more please use the events link below.


EVENTS LINK  (to follow)


The 'Hike and Fly Challenge' is a ONE day event only.  The most promising day will be selected, hopefully the Friday or Saturday.  No less than 24 hrs notice will be given.




Entry:   This is via the eventbrite link. An entry form will form. If it doesn't then email




Entry will be limited to a maximum of 36 pilots on a first come basis. Pilots must be a BHPA member and hold a minimum of CP rating.


Risk assessment:  Refer to the RA download pdf which must be printed off and signed at the START of the task. 




Equipment:  Refer to the pdf notes that relate to hike and fly and specifically to the EN and equipment standards that relate to ALL flying equipment to be used.


Communications:  You MUST carry a radio, set to the appropriate frequency of 143.800mHz.  You MUST carry a mobile phone and have the ability to keep it charged if necessary.


Tracking:  By whatever app or system you use, please ensure you can be tracked via livetrack24. There will be an ‘X Dales 2024’ group set up to which you will be added from your entry details. Link as available.


Logging:  You must be able to produce a complete, start to finish tracklog in a format we can read.  Producing a complete log is the bug-bear of hike and fly. Please ensure you have set whatever app or instrument you use to do this when hiking and resting, not just flying. A back-up is a wise move … if all else fails it may be possible to download it from L24. Either way – you MUST have a start to finish log with no breaks. Test runs are a good idea BEFORE the event.


Support:  It helps if you have your own support, but there will be some support available.


Briefings:  In additional to other briefing notes available via downloads there will be a pre start briefing covering the following:  weather/conditions, the Country Code, exclusion areas and penalties, safety, timings, score file igc upload deadlines, questions etc.


Timings to follow.


End of race:  You MUST sign off safe at the end of day or your race by SMS (07808394895) or personally.


Awards and Other:  Awards will be for 1st and 2nd place plus best newcomer/ most 'interesting' flight.   (See awards below). Depending on entry number there may be a best female award this year.


Winners 2021:  Mike Cavanagh 1st and Ziggy Latka 2nd

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© Ed Cleasby