21/3/2015 Carrock Fell:
Superb day and a big turn out. Initially the light wind was off to the north, but gradually came round - in fact it worked in our favour a bit.
After about an hour or so of great flying, some thermalling and the odd trip over to Sandbeds I arrived back near Carrock and stumbled into the best climb of the day. This got me to base and a bit more, but the clouds were quite shallow. Made base with a Delta2 that declined to follow as I headed over the back towards Skiddaw. No joy en route and was forced to land on the shallow lower slopes (still 1100' ato - I hadn't anticipated how high the ground was for the crossing)) - pity as another few hundred feet would have allowed me to soar up. Walked higher in light wind and warm sunny weather hoping I could get out from here without a long walk (it seem too light to soar and was rapidly going into shadow). Took off again in little wind, but it was lifting well and two beats had me over the summit. Flew around for a while and then pushed forward to Jenkin then out over Keswick. Couple of pints with David and met the others at the Mill, Mungrisedale).
I lost the Carrock video, but a bit here of flying the back of Skiddaw - LINK
Great day out.
22/3/2015 Windbank/Hawkswick:
Another superb looking day. I arrived late to find the sky full of wings and spread high up the valley. Apparently it had been working well since about 10m.
Enjoyed three good flights, the best being to about 5k up beyond Arncliffe and some videoing of the new Trango XC3. Some decent thermal provided another nice work out for the coming season.
By the time I landed most had gone home - why does the Dales have a crap pub scene?